What's New

January Thrills 2007

January Thrills 2007

Rosians began the year 2007 with competitions and exciting events. The Mandarin and Cantonese Recitation competitions were held within the first three weeks of January. Students and teachers alike were awed by the great improvement in the contestants' delivery skills.


Annual School Trips 2007 - A Learning ”Blast”

Annual School Trips 2007 - A Learning ”Blast”

In anticipation of the roaring engines that zoom past the school building during the annual Macau Grand Prix in November, the students of SRL English Secondary, excitedly boarded the buses which were to transport them to their destinations for the school trips.


SRL Lunch Hours Fly By With New Activities 2006

SRL Lunch Hours Fly By With New Activities 2006

Beginning in the second week of October, 2006, SRL students have the opportunity to engage in worthwhile activities during the otherwise ordinary lunch hour. Different educational activities are offered in the Hall from Monday to Friday, supervised by the executives of the Students' Association.


New Challenges For Students In English Month 2006

New Challenges For Students In English Month 2006

November, 2006 was ENGLISH MONTH! No, it was not a new month of the year. It was just a period of more or less 30 days within which students were encouraged to actively engage in English Language learning through competitions and activities. ...


School Feast Day 2006

School Feast Day 2006

It's October 4 th once again and it's time to remember our patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi. It is usually at this time that SRL students are reminded of his virtues, his teachings and his way of life.


Fun Fair Fun in 2006

Fun Fair Fun in 2006

Rosians, you' ve done it again! This year's fund-raising fun fair was a huge success!Parents and their children turned up for the day-long event, eager to spend time together while helping to raise funds for the Caritas Foundation. ...


Talents Galore Wow SRL Audiences 2006

Talents Galore Wow SRL Audiences 2006

The 3rd of October was a big surprise for most Rosians. On that day, a special Talent Show was held in the hall. Performers, from both the Primary and Secondary classes...


Healthy Exercises Add Spark To School Morning Hours 2006

Healthy Exercises Add Spark To School Morning Hours 2006

For the past two years, SRL students have been starting their mornings with an exercise routine that aims to encourage physical well-being and alertness. This year, a new routine was introduced for the primary students.


Improvements Enhance SRL Learning Environment

Improvements Enhance SRL Learning Environment

The school year 2006-2007 welcomed Rosians with a new look. As soon as students walk in the main gate, they are greeted by the plant boxes lining the exterior wall of the school. The carefully chosen, multi-coloured plants liven up the otherwise plain-looking area.


SRL Staff Bid Farewell To Mentor Of Twenty One Years

SRL Staff Bid Farewell To Mentor Of Twenty One Years

At a simple lunch gathering held in the school hall, SRL staff members, together with their families, bid farewell to Sr. Barbara Li Pik Ki, SRL principal and mentor for the past twenty one years,


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