What's New

More Funds Raised At Fun-A-Fair 2008

More Funds Raised At Fun-A-Fair 2008

This year's fund-raising fun fair, held on Saturday, the 4th of October, 2008, was a FUN A-FAIR to remember!Parents eagerly showed up at school with their children and took part in the various games and activities which had been previously prepared by...


School Feast Day 2008

School Feast Day 2008

On Friday, October 3rd, 2008, students gathered to celebrate the annual school feast day.The theme for the day was Let’s Continue Our Mission and students were encouraged to live lives guided by the ideals of both Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Rose of Lima.


Teachers Go on Enlightening 3-Church Pilgrimage 2008

Teachers Go on Enlightening 3-Church Pilgrimage 2008

Living in a small enclave like Macau in no way guarantees an in-depth knowledge of its history and culture so, on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 3rd of June, 2008, teachers were taken on a meaningful pilgrimage to three historic churches...


Rosettes Glee Club Members Sing for Sichuan 2008

Rosettes Glee Club Members Sing for Sichuan 2008

On Saturday, the 24th of May, 2008, upon invitation from the OnceTeenOnes Band, fourteen selected members of the Rosettes Glee Club, which is the SRL Secondary Choir, performed at a fund-raising concert for the earthquake victims of Sichuan, China.


Children's Day in May 2008

Children's Day in May 2008

The International Children's Day is annually celebrated on the 1st of June. Since this year, the day itself fell on a Sunday, the SRL Primary students celebrated it on the last two periods of Friday, the 30th of May, 2008.


SRL Ends Month of Mary with Coronation Ceremony 2008

SRL Ends Month of Mary with Coronation Ceremony 2008

A fitting conclusion to May, the Month of Mary, came with the annual Coronation Ceremony held at the school hall. The solemn service was organized and conducted by the Religious Affairs Committee of the Students' Association, under the guidance of its moderators.


P5 & P6 Students Get Drama Treat 2008

P5 & P6 Students Get Drama Treat 2008

On the 2nd of May, 2008, the students of Primary 5 and 6 were treated to an interactive drama performance entitled Mufaro's Daughters. The students were enthralled by the innovative play which utilized masks, sound effects, minimal crops and simple costumes.


April Talent Cultural Day 2008 - A Huge Success

April Talent Cultural Day 2008 - A Huge Success

For the first time in the history of SRL English Secondary, parents and relatives were invited to participate in a fund-raising cultural event held on the 19th of April, 2008, in the School Hall, not just as part of an audience, but as performers.


An Afternoon of Memories for Teachers, Youth and Graduates 2008

An Afternoon of Memories for Teachers, Youth and Graduates 2008

On the afternoon of Friday, April 11th, 2008, a series of special assemblies was held in the school hall. The afternoon began with the Teachers' Day Celebration. All teachers were invited to the hall.


Earth Day 2008 - SRL Renews Commitment to Environment

Earth Day 2008 - SRL Renews Commitment to Environment

Once again, the students of SRL English Secondary renewed their commitment to environmental protection with the annual celebration of Earth Day, held on the 17th of March, 2008. This year, Geography students from Forms 3 to 6 were organized into groups.


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