Fostering STEM-Driven Innovation at Our School

This school year, the General Studies department has spearheaded the implementation of a comprehensive STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education programme. STEM education's primary focus is empowering students to hone their problem-solving skills, nurture their innate curiosity, and encourage hands-on exploration and evaluation of real-world concepts.

Amphibious Car

The Primary six students have been particularly enthused by the STEM projects they've undertaken. One student mentioned that the process of designing and building an amphibious car was highly engaging. I gained valuable insights into the inner workings of cars and the engineering principles required to achieve our mission. Another Primary six student expressed excitement, saying, "I hope I'll have the chance to build my own amphibious car in the future!"


Water Purification

Across the school, the Primary four students have been exploring the complexities of water filtration systems. They have simulated various filtration materials, constructed their own water filters, and tested the quality of the filtered water by measuring the light intensity. This hands-on approach has allowed them to deepen their understanding of the scientific principles underlying water purification.


DIY Cooler Bag

In a hands-on learning initiative, the Primary three students have been tasked with designing and constructing their own DIY cooler bags. The objective of this project is to create a functional cooler bag that can keep ice water cold for the longest duration possible. The students have been given the freedom to select the materials they wish to use in constructing their cooler bags. This open-ended approach encourages creativity and innovation, as the young learners explore different insulation techniques and design features to optimize the performance of their creations. Through this project, the students not only develop practical skills in design and construction, but also gain a deeper understanding of the scientific principles behind insulation and heat transfer. The hands-on nature of the activity allows them to apply their classroom learning to a real-world application that is directly relevant to their daily lives.


Easter Egg Challenge

In a delightful display of creativity and problem-solving, the Primary one students have been busy crafting their own unique Easter egg baskets. However, this was no ordinary basket-making exercise – the young learners were tasked with selecting and incorporating various materials to protect two fragile quail eggs placed inside. The students enthusiastically explored a variety of materials, ranging from soft fabrics and sponges to more rigid items like cardboard and straws. They carefully considered the properties of each material and how it might absorb impact to keep the eggs safe. Throughout the process, the young learners engaged in lively discussions, sharing ideas and learning from one another. The classrooms were abuzz with creativity as the students experimented with different materials and configurations, all with the goal of crafting the most effective Easter egg carrier. The Easter Egg challenge not only provided the Primary one students with a delightful hands-on learning experience but also fostered important skills such as problem-solving, coordination, and teamwork. The infectious energy and excitement among the students were a testament to the engaging nature of the activity.



The General Studies department has also collaborated with the English and IT departments to further enrich the STEM experience for our students. In the activity called "Building a Bridge," students combined their language skills, creative thinking, and engineering knowledge to design and construct their own bridge structures. Additionally, the IT department has worked with the General Studies department to guide students in the design of a smart home, integrating technology, automation, and environmental considerations.


As we move forward, the General Studies department promises even more exciting and fruitful STEM activities across all grade levels. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that our learners are equipped with the essential skills and mindset to thrive in the rapidly evolving, technology-driven world of the 21st century.
