Talent Show Marks End Of Saturday Activities 2007

The extra-curricular activities offered for the students in school year 2006-2007 finally came to an end on Saturday, the 26th of May 2007. A special concert was organized, featuring students from the different activities presenting a culmination of what they had learnt. The audience had a taste of songs from the Primary and Secondary Choirs, guitar pieces from the Guitar classes, a dramatic performance from both the English and Chinese Drama Groups, recorder and melodica pieces, as well as a couple of traditional Chinese pieces from the Chinese Instrument groups.

The students were also treated to a special exhibition of clay work and other artistic crafts in the hall during the last week of May. It was really inspiring to see how different students had projected their talents through various mediums that ranged from clay to paper.

When asked their impressions of the day, the students said they had fun and were eager to enroll for the next year's activities which will hopefully include the school's first brass band.
