English Day 2024: A Student-Led Extravaganza

In celebration of English Day 2024, the Secondary English Department held a lively afternoon event on April 23 2024, themed “English as a Global Language: Bridging Cultures, Connecting the World”. To make it more memorable, students and teachers from our sister schools, Colégio Diocesano de São José (CDSJ) 5 and 6, showed their support by joining us in our celebration. The programme commenced with an hour-long variety show featuring student performances and a surprise act by teachers from different departments. The second part of the event included interactive game booths and board games facilitated by our Form 4 and 5 students, allowing participants to engage with each other, explore diverse themes, and complete mini-tasks. This event established camaraderie, strengthened our Rosians’ bond with students from sister schools, and provided an enriching English environment for all participants.
