PTA Logo Design Activity - for the celebration of the establishment of the Colegio de Santa Rosa de Lima (English Secondary) Parent-Teacher Association
After almost two years of planning and preparation, the Colegio de Santa Rosa de Lima (English Secondary) Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) was officially inaugurated on the 3rd of October this year. In preparation for the inaugural ceremony, the " PTA Logo Design Activity" was especially organised in June 2015. The activity aimed to select a logo that would reflect the PTA's dedication towards improving the understanding of parents, students, teachers and staff, so as to achieve the fundamental home-school co-operation concept. The winning logo would be selected through polling. After having received a total of 701 votes, the logo, shown below was declared the winner with a total of 276 votes. The PTA would like to express its sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this activity!
本校之「家長教師會」(簡稱家教會) 籌組已接近兩年,本會擬定在本年10月份成立。為慶祝它的創立,特舉辦「家教會會徽設計投票活動」,希望透過此活動,共同選出一個具代表性的會徽,亦可促進家長、學生、老師及員工對本會的認識,以達致家校合作的一貫概念。