Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School


Santa Rosa de Lima Parent-Teacher Association Inauguration Ceremony

The inauguration ceremony for the Santa Rosa de Lima Parent-Teacher Association was held on 3rd October. Mr Kuong, the director of the Educational Activities of Taipa (CAET), Mr Ieong Chi Chau, the school principal of the Santa Rosa de Lima Chinese Section and Ms. Lillian Lui were honored guests at the inauguration ceremony.

The inauguration ceremony was held at the school hall at two o'clock in the afternoon with over 300 in attendance. The ceremony began with a dance performed by five students together with their parents. It was followed by the opening speech given by Sister Lam after which members of the Parent-Teacher Association were sworn in.

After the ceremony, Ms Lillian shared her teaching experience in Yuen Long Kindergarten (HK). She emphasized that the success of home-school collaboration relies on mutual respect and trust. The ceremony ended at 4:30 in the afternoon.



禮儀部份完成後,專題講座隨即開始。主題名為「家‧校共同體」,在此重要時刻,學校邀得"五個小孩的校長"---- 呂麗紅校長作主講嘉賓,講座中呂校長分享了她豐富的教學經驗,與及如何在只有五個小孩而面臨殺校的艱苦經營時刻,使家長與學校成為緊密合作伙伴,彼此增進了解,讓學生成為家校合作的最大得益者,從而創造了不可能的動人而真實的奇蹟。最後,呂校長強調,學校與家長相互的信任與尊重是家校合作成功的秘訣。成立典禮暨專題講座於下午四時三十分完滿結束。
